Zodiac November 12 2013

by 5:47:00 am 0 Komentar
Forecast valid November 12, 2013

Aries (21 Mar - 20 April)
You can make some quick decisions that will change your outlook and your future soon . Financial gains can be made . Secrets must be kept

 Taurus (21 Apr – 21 Mei)
Concentrate on love , affection and passion . Take the initiative and you will not be disappointed . Social events must be attended and creative ideas are developed .

Gemini (22 Mei – 21 Jun)
Do not be afraid of change . Give your dreams and goals a chance . Stop putting things on the back burner and start doing what you know in your heart is right for you .

Cancer (22 Jun – 22 Jul)

You can accomplish much if you do not beat around the bush . The more you can get out in the open , the better chance you will have a clean up pending issues .

Leo (23 Jul – 22 Agt)
Not everyone will be on your side , so be careful who you trust . You can cause personal problems if you are too aggressive with your loved ones .

 Virgo (24 Agt – 23 Sep)
Travelling will be your priority today . You will find a lot about your past and what you should be doing in the future through the people you meet along the way .

Libra (24 Sep – 23 Oct)
You have a lot of thoughts and someone might obscure your decision . If you focus on jobs and financial benefits , you will advance .

 Scorpio (24 Oct - 22 Nov)
You will determine how to get things done . Be careful not to step on someones toes along the way . Humble and gracious action will be the key .

Sagitarius (23 Nov – 21 Des)
Sudden change lets you surprised . Having to deal with government institutions may be very slow . However , the end result will benefit you .

Capricorn (22 Des – 20 Jan)

A partnership looks promising . Get involved in the talks that will lead to a new agreement . Apparent prosperity and better relations clear

Aquarius (21 Jan – 19 Feb)
Do not believe everything you hear . Make decisions and take action quickly can lead you down the wrong path . Focus on entertainment and relaxation instead.

Pisces (20 Feb – 20 Mar)

You find the information valuable . Social activities will lead to romance . Develop creative ideas .

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Sources : http://gemintang.com/ramalan-bintang-setiap-hari/



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